Knee Replacement Surgery in India
Why there is the element of knee replacement surgery in India. Why is it important to do so? The knee has the responsibility to support the entire weight of the body that makes it more prone to stress and strain. So, the surgery aims to increase the mobility and to reduce the pain which is associated with knee problems, injuries and diseases which is treated by the knee surgeons.
Why is this kind of knee problems found?
There are many reasons behind knee problem. People worldwide are affected by knee problems. This problem is found due to overweight, riding the self-balancing scooter improperly can cause you serious injury from falls, loss of control and others.
Knee surgery refers to the total replacement of knee. It can be performed arthroscopically or in an open fashion. By using special techniques and latest implants ensure the return of the natural movements that are common in everyone.
In India, knee surgeons are not only highly qualified but also have huge experience of performing thousands of successful surgeries. If there is a need for any operations and treatments then the solution is that every knee surgeons and specialist’s offer include the replacement of knee either totally or partially and knee ligament reconstruction. The quality that sets Indian knee surgeons aside from others is that they have good communication skills as well as are good listeners who communicate with the patients very calmly.
The required Qualifications for Knee Surgeons in India are:
- MS in Orthopedic
- MCH in Joint replacement
- DNB/FRCS/MRCS from International Colleges and Hospitals
- International Fellowship and Training Programs
- Publications and Paper Presentations in Reputed Scientific and Medical Journals
- Wide Clinical Experience