39 Years Old Male met with an Accident Operated with Ilizarov Ring Fixator
39 years old male met with an accident on 27th September 2019 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He had a fracture of both bones leg right, wound right leg ( Grade III compound fracture ) with foot drop. He was operated there, but pus kept on pouring out, and fracture didn’t heal up.
I operated on him on 22.06.2020 with Ilizarov ring fixator. Ankle fusion with corticotomy of the right tibia was done on 22.07.2020. His leg was shorter by 3 inches. It was lengthened by 3 inches.
Now, his fracture has united, leg length is equal, and his ankle has fused. I have removed his ankle and foot ring today.
It is always so gratifying seeing a patient with complications becoming alright and well. I always thank God that he made me worthy of helping others.